Frequently Asked Questions

What is a chiropractor?

Chiropractors are doctorate level health professionals who help patients by restoring balance and function to their bodies.

When your body is aligned, it functions more optimally and is able to adapt to stressors of all kinds much more efficiently!

Chiropractors typically use manual (hands on) techniques that address your joints, muscles, ligaments, tendons, connective tissues, and your nervous system. A chiropractic adjustment is often gentle, but reaches the body on a deeper level, with the potential to create profound and lasting changes.

Some patients enjoy dynamic sessions, while others prefer gentler techniques. We will find an approach that you find comfortable for your body's specific needs and that helps you achieve your wellness goals as effectively and efficiently as possible.

As we work together, we will also make lifestyle and mobility recommendations so you have the power to continue towards your goals independent of our sessions.

Why would I see a chiropractor?

Patients come see us for many reasons! Some of them include:

  • Back pain (low back, middle/upper back)

  • Neck pain

  • Headaches

  • TMJ / Jaw pain

  • Joint pain (shoulder, knee, etc)

  • Arthritic conditions

  • Pregnancy / Perinatal care

  • Pediatric care (all stages of life!)

  • Athletic training care (ie: marathon/triathalon training care)

  • Wellness care

Can I still see my other healthcare providers?

We believe in integrating all types of approaches to health. We love being in communication with your favorite practitioners so we can work together in synergy! We also have amazing practitioners who we work alongside and refer to whenever we think it would benefit our patients.

Do I have to come forever?

Chiropractic care is like going to the gym with a fitness goal in mind - going once or twice is better than nothing…but to get to your goal, consistency is the key. Keeping consistent in your chiropractic treatment plan and mobility exercises will be what gets you to your goals as quickly as possible.

From there, we simply need to find what frequency of “tune ups” it will take to maintain all that hard work you’ve put in. Oftentimes, we find that we’re seeing each other much less than we did in the beginning, as you’ll be not just feeling better, but you’ll be functioning better and able to maintain a lot of your alignment much easier and longer.

Does my insurance cover chiropractic?

Your health insurance might cover your chiropractic care! We are out-of-network chiropractic providers, so it will all depend on your specific insurance policy. If you want us to check to see what benefits you have - click on over to our contact form.

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